The College of Business is dedicated to creating and sharing knowledge that enhances the translation of theory to practice. The College combines rigor with relevance and provides innovative solutions to global business challenges.
The COB Working Paper Series helps in achieving this mission by providing a forum for sharing academic knowledge. Copies of these research papers may be downloaded from the links below. Papers included in this series are at the working stage, under review by journals, under revision by journals, or accepted by journals but not yet published.

COB Working Paper Series is indexed in EconLit.
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Compiled and abstracted in an easily searchable format, EconLit is a comprehensive index of journal articles, books, book reviews, collective volume articles, working papers and dissertations. EconLit is provided by libraries and universities throughout the world.
The following departments are represented:
- Jimenez, C., Vega, J., Yin, J. (2015) "Troubled Asset Relief Program's Impact on Earnings Informativeness: A Study of Compensation Contracts", Working Paper No. 0009ACC-428-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Liu, H., Swanson, E. (2015) "Is Price Support for Overvalued Equity a Motive for Increasing Share Repurchases?", Working Paper No. 0008ACC-896 -2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Liu, H., Swanson, E.P. (2015) "Is Price Support for Overvalued Equity a Motive for Increasing Share Repurchases?", Working Paper No. 0008ACC-896-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lopez, D., Pitman, M. (2013) "Auditor workload compression and busy season portfolio changes--U.S. evidence", Working Paper No. 0040ACC-502-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Balsam, S., Yin, J. (2013), "The Impact of Say-on-Pay on Executive Compensation", Working Paper No. 0013ACC-428-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Gordon, E., Henry, E., Jorgensen, B., Linthicum, C. (2013), "Flexibility in Cash Flow Reporting Classification Choices under IFRS", Working Paper No. 0016ACC-006 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Boone, J., Khurana, I., Raman, K. (2013), "Religiosity and Tax Avoidance", Working Paper No. 0015ACC-427 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Asthana, S. (2013), "Diversification by the Audit Office and It's Impact on Audit Quality", Working Paper No. 0004ACC-501-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lopez, D., Vega, VJ. (2012), "Evaluating the Effect of Industry Specialist Duration on Audit Quality and Audit Fees", Working Paper No. 0023ACC-502-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Boone, J., Khurana, I.K., Raman, K.K. (2012), "Audit Market Concentration and Auditor Tolerance
for Earnings Management", Working Paper No. 0014ACC-427-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Asthana, S., Balsam, S. (2012) "Market For Accounting Faculty", Working Paper No. 003ACC-501-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Gordon, E., Jorgensen, B., Linthicum, C. (2010), "Could IFRS Replace US GAAP? A Comparison of Earnings Attributes and Informativeness in the US Market*", Working Paper No. 0028ACC-006-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Asthana, S., Kalelkar, R., (2010), "The Market for Audit Services and S&P 500 Index Clients", Working Paper No. 0022ACC-501-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Boone, J., Khurana, I. and Raman, K. (2010), "Litigation Risk and Abnormal Accruals", Working Paper No. 0020ACC-427-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Nwaeze, E. (2010), "The Choice of Operating Cash Flow in Incentive Compensation", Working Paper No. 0007ACC-504-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Yin, J., Yang, S., Balsam, S. (2010), "A reexamination of the association between CEO compensation and the components of accounting earnings", Working Paper No. 0029ACC-428-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Yin, J., Balsam, S. and Irani, A. (2009), "Impact of Job Complexity and Performance on CFO Compensation", Working Paper No. 0097ACC-428-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Boone, J., Khurana, I. and Raman, K. (2009), "Is Audit Quality Different for Big 4 and Mid-Tier Auditors?", Working Paper No. 0098ACC-427-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Asthana, S., Balsam, S., Khaledi, N., (2009), "Real Earnings Management through Share Repurchases", Working Paper No. 0105ACC-501-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lopez, D., Smith, P. (2009), "Auditor Type and Audit Quality Differences in Nonprofit Healthcare Organizations--U.S. Evidence", Working Paper No. 0107ACC-502-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Asthana, S. and Balsam, S, (2007), "Determinants of Outside Director Turnover", Working paper No. 0023ACC-501-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Asthana, S., Balsam, S. and Krishnan, J. (2007), "Audit Firm Reputation, Auditor Switches, and Client Stock Price Reactions: The Andersen Experience", Working Paper No. 0024ACC-501-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Asthana, S, (2007), "Do Highly Compensated Participants Influence The Management of Qualified Pension Plans?", Working Paper No. 0025ACC-501-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Asthana, S. and Chen, L, (2007), "Differential Changes in the Value-Relevance of Earnings and Book Values Over Time: Financial Versus Other Industries", Working Paper No. 0026ACC-501-2007, College of business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Mukherjee, A. (2015) "Union bargaining power and innovation in the presence of subcontracting", Working Paper No. 0012ECO-414-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Baltagi, B., Kao, C., Liu, L. (2015) "Test of Hypotheses in a Time Trend Panel Data Model with Serially Correlated Error Component Disturbances", Working Paper No. 0010ECO-661-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. (2015) "Endogenous Financial Structure and Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0006ECO-566-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E., Reed, R. (2015) "Banking Competition, Production Externalities, and the Effects of Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0007ECO-566-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. (2015) "Inflation Thresholds and the Efficiency of the Banking Sector", Working Paper No. 0005ECO-566-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. (2015) "Stock Market, Banks, and Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0004ECO-566-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Chakrabarti, A., Marjit, S. (2015) "Cross-border Mergers and Privatization", Working Paper No. 0003ECO-414-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Oladi, R. (2015) "On Smart Sanctions", Working Paper No. 0002ECO-414-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Batabyal, A., Beladi, H. (2015) "Optimal Transport Provision to a Tourist Destination: A Mechanism Design Approach", Working Paper No.
0001ECO-414-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Reed, R., Ghossoub, E. (2013) "Thresholds and the Welfare Cost of Inflation", Working Paper No. 0054ECO-566-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Gray, N., Merrifield, J., Hoppe, E. (2013) "An Assessment of the Post-Katrina, Charter-Led Makeover of New
Orleans' School System", Working Paper No. 0047ECO-091-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Kar, S. (2013) "Unemployment Benefit and Nascent Entrepreneurship" Working Paper No. 0045ECO-414-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Mahdavi, S. (2013) "State Government Tax Revenue, Tax Revenue Composition and Tax Effort Index: An Assessment of the 1978-97 period", Working Paper No. 0036ECO-090-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. (2013) "Banking Competition: Implications for Welfare and Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0027ECO-566-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Chakrabarti, A., Marjit, S. (2013) "A Mixed GOLE Model of Cross-Border Mergers and Trade", Working Paper No. 0002ECO-414-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Truett, L., Truett, D. (2013) "The German Motor Vehicle Industry: Costs and Crisis", Working Paper No. 0001ECO-102-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Zhou,S. (2013) "Purchasing power parity and real effective exchange rates", Working Paper No. 0005ECO-106 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lo, M. (2012) "Economic Development and International Travel: A Cross-Country Panel Analysis", Working Paper No. 0024ECO-487-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bad, B., Liu, L. (2012) "Random Effects, Fixed Effcts and Hausman's Test for the Generalized Spatial Panel Data Regression Model", Working Paper No. 0029ECO-661-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Oladi, R. (2012) "Heterogeneous Firms and Rural-urban Migration", Working Paper No.
0046ECO-414-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lien, D., Hoon , C. (2012) "Determinants of the Confucius Institute Establishment", Working Paper No. 0045ECO-202-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Oladi, R. (2012) "On Market Networks", Working Paper No. 0044ECO-414-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Oladi, R., Tay, N., (2012), "On Network Stability Once Again", Working Paper No. 0042ECO-414-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Merrifield, J., Gray, N. (2012), "A Storm after the Storm? An Assessment of the Post-Katrina, Charter-Led Makeover of New Orleans's Schools", Working Paper No. 0043ECO-091-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lien, D., Krause, T., Ehsani, S. "Exchange Traded Funds, Liquidity, and Market Volatility", Working Paper No. 0040FIN-202-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lien, D., Yang, X., Ye K. (2012), "Alternative Approximations to Value-At-Risk: A Comparison", Working Paper No. 0037ECO-202-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lien, D., Lee, G., Yang, L., Zhou, C. (2012), "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Futures Hedging", Working Paper No. 0036ECO-202-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E., Reed, R. (2012), "Financial Development and the Distributional Effects of Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0035ECO-566-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E., Reed, R. (2012), "Economic Development and the Welfare Costs of Inflation", Working Paper No. 0034ECO-566-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Ghossoub, E. (2012), "Central Bank Liquidity Provision and Financial Sector Competition", Working Paper No. 0002ECON-566-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Zhou, S. (2012) "Is the stationarity of the yen real exchange rates a puzzle?", Working Paper No. 005ECO-106-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Mahdavi, S. (2012), "Bohn's Test of Fiscal Sustainability of the American State Governments", Working Paper No. 0030ECO-90-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Truett, L., Truett, D. (2011), "The South Korean Auto Industry: All Grown Up Now?", Working Paper No. 008ECO-102-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Beladi, H., Oladi, R. (2011), "On Merger and Acquisition and Protectionism", Working Paper No. 006ECO-414-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Beladi, H., Oladi, R., Tay, N. (2011), "On Competition for Listings ", Working Paper No. 0003ECO-414-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Beladi, H., Liu, L., Oladi, R. (2011), "A Holistic View of Trade, Pollution Permits and Abatement", Working Paper No. 0002ECO-414-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Beladi, H., Marjit, S., Yang, L. (2011), "Outsourcing: Volume and Composition of R&D", Working Paper No. 0001ECO-414-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Truett, L., Truett, D. (2011), "Whither Germany and the EMU In a Challenging Environment?", Working Paper No. 0019ECO-101-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Truett, L. and Truett, D. (2010), "A Beacon of Hope? Another Look at the Italian Textile Industry", Working Paper No. 0060ECO-102-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H. and Oladi, R. (2010), "Does Trade Liberalization Increase Global Pollution?", Working Paper No. 0103ECO-414-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. (2010), "The Institutionalization of Savings: A Role for Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0001ECO-566-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Ghossoub, E. and Beladi, H. (2010), "Technological Diffusion and Asset Prices", Working Paper No. 0002ECO-566-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Ghossoub, E. (2010), "Liquidity Risk and Financial Competition: Implications on Asset Prices and Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0003ECO-566-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Zhou, S. (2010), "Nonlinearity and stationarity of inflation rates: Evidence from the euro-zone countries", Working Paper No. 0006ECO-106-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Beladi, H., Chakrabarti, A., and Marjit, S. (2010), "Exchange Rate Pass-Through: A Generalization", Working Paper No. 0009ECO-404-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Ghossoub, E. (2010), "Intergenerational Bargaining and Indeterminacy of Equilibria", Working Paper No. 0010ECO-566-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Mahdavi, S., Westerlund, J. (2010), "Fiscal Stringency and Fiscal Sustainability in the American States: Panel Evidence", Working Paper No. 0016ECO-90-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Truett, L. and Truett, D. (2009), "A Beacon of Hope? Another Look at the Italian Textile Industry", Working Paper No. 0060ECO-102-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H. and Oladi, R. (2009), "Market Interconnection and Wages", Working Paper No. 0062ECO-414-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Zhou, S. (2009), "Time Series Behavior of the Short-Term Real Interest Rates in Industrial Countries", Working Paper No. 0064ECO-106-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. and Reed, R. (2009), "The Cost of Capital, Asset Prices and the Affects of Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0068ECO-566-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E., Laosuthi, T. and Reed, R. (2009), "The Role of Financial Sector Competition for Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0069ECO-566-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. and Reed, R. (2009), "Liquidity Risk, Economic Development, and the Effects of Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0070ECO-566-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. and Reed, R. (2009), "The Stock Market, Monetary Policy, and Economic Development", Working Paper No. 0071ECO-566-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. (2009), "Liquidity Risk and Banks' Asset Composition: Implications for Monetary Policy", Working Paper No. 0096ECO-566-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Mahdavi, S. (2009), "A Re-examination of Wagner's Law Based on Disaggregated U.S. State-Local Government Expenditure", Working Paper No. 0101ECO-090-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ghossoub, E. and Reed, R. (2009), "Economic Development and the Welfare Costs of Inflation", Working Paper No. 0102ECO-566-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lila J. Truett and Dale B. Truett (2009), "The Korean Textile Industry: Still Competitive,
After All These Years?", Working Paper No. 0104ECO-102-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Zhou, S., Oskooee, M. and Kutan, A. (2008), "Purchasing Power Parity Before and After the Adoption of the Euro", Working paper No.0031ECO-106-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H. and Chakrabarti, A. (2008), "Moving People or Jobs? A New Perspective on Immigration and International Outsourcing", Working Paper No. 0041ECO-414-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Truett, L. and Truett, D. (2008), "The South African Textile Industry: Challenges and Opportunities", Working Paper No. 0042ECO-102-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H. and Batabyal, A. (2008), "Trade, the Damage from Alien Species, and the Effects of Protectionism Under Alternate Market Structures", Working Paper No. 0043ECO-414-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Firoozi, F. (2008), "Boundary Distributions in Testing Inequality Hypotheses", Working Paper No. 0046ECO-085-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Mahdavi, S. and Westerlund, J. (2008), "The Tax-Spending Nexus: Evidence from a Panel of US State-Local Governments", Working Paper No. 0045ECO-090-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Chao, C. and Hazari, B. (2007), "Tourism and the Environment", Working Paper No. 0001ECO-414-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Merrifield, J. and Bao, Y. (2007), "Residential Property Taxation: Is Periodic Reassessment Worth it?", Working Paper No. 0003ECO-091-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Zhou, S. (2007), "Stationarity of Asian Pacific real exchange rates", Working Paper No. 0012ECO-106-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Truett, L. and Truett, D. (2007), "Firm Size and Efficiency in the South African Motor Vehicle Industry", Working Paper No. 0021ECO-102-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Marjit, S. and Chakrabarti, A. (2006), "Tariff Jumping and Joint Ventures", Working Paper No. 0002ECO-414-2006, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H. and Oladi, R. (2006), "Partial Compliance with Economic Sanctions: A Theoretical Explanation", Working Paper No. 0016ECO-414-2006, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Beladi, H., Chaudhuri, S. and Yabuuchi, S. (2006), "Can International Factor Mobility Lessen Wage Inequality in a Dual Economy?", Working Paper No. 0022ECO-414-2006, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ehsani, S., Misra, L. (2013) "Substitution between Debt and Trade Credit in the Capital Structure Decision of Indian Firms", Working Paper No. 0053FIN-803-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Demirer, R., Lee, H., Lien, D. (2013) "Commodity Financialization and Herd Behavior in Commodity Futures Markets", Working Paper No.
0046FIN-202-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Kadapakkam, P. (2013) "Exchange Traded Funds, Size-based Portfolios, and Market Efficiency", Working Paper No. 0037FIN-088-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Burns, N., Minnick, K., Starks, L. (2013) "CEO Tournaments: A Cross-Country Analysis of Causes, Cultural Influences and Consequences", Working Paper No. 0030FIN-568-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tse, Y., Wald, J. (2013) "Insured Uncovered Interest Parity", Working Paper No. 0008FIN-452 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lien, D., Ghosh, S., Yamarik, S. (2013) "Does the Confucius Institute Impact International Travel to China? A Panel Data Analysis", Working Paper No. 0009FIN-202 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Wald, J., Zhang, H. (2013) "Corruption, Governance, and Public Pension Funds", Working Paper No. 0007FIN-452 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bhanot, K., Burns, N., Hunter, D., Williams, M. (2013) "News Spillovers from the Greek Debt Crisis: Impact on the Eurozone Financial Sector", Working Paper No. 0010FIN-073 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Kadapakkam, P., Zhang, H. (2012) "Dead Stocks Walking: Investor Irrationality in Worthless Stocks", Working Paper No. 0028FIN-088-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bhanot, K., Burns, N., Hunter, D., Williams, M. (2012) "Was there Contagion in Eurozone Sovereign Bond Markets during the Greek Debt Crisis?", Working Paper No. 006FIN-073-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Mansi, S., Nguyen, A., Wald, J. (2012) "Severance Agreements, Incentives, and the Cost of Debt", Working Paper No. 0008FIN-452-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tse, Y., Williams, M. (2011) "Does Index Speculation Impact Commodity Prices? An Intraday Futures Analysis"
No. 007FIN-257-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tse, Y., Zhao, L. (2011), "The Relationship between Currency Carry Trades and U.S. Stocks", Working Paper No. 005FIN-257-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Tse, Y., McTier, B., Wald, J. (2011) "Do Stock Markets Catch the Flu?", Working Paper No. 004FIN-257-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Mansi, S., Qi, Y., Wald, J. (2010), "Debt Covenants, Bankruptcy Risk, and Issuance Costs", Working Paper No. 0024FIN-452-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Kittiakaraskun, J., Tse, Y., Wang, G. (2010), "The Impact of Trading Activity by Trader Types on Asymmetric Volatility in Nasdaq-100 Index Futures", Working Paper No. 0021FIN-257-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Tse, Y., Williams, M., Chan, K., (2010), "The Relationship between Commodity Prices and Currency Exchange
Rates: Evidence from the Futures Markets", Working Paper No. 0005FIN-257-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Wald, J., Roth, L. and Qi, Y. (2009), "How Laws Affect Contracts: Evidence from Yankee Bond Covenants", Working Paper No. 0065FIN-452-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tse Y., Gutierrez, J. and Martinez, V. (2009), "Where does Volatility and Return Come From? The Case of Asian ETFs", Working Paper No. 0063FIN-257-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bhanot, K. and Mello, A. (2009), "Stock PIKs"-Taking a Firm by its Tails", Working Paper No. 0072FIN-073-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Misra, L., Kittiakarasakun, J. and Yildirim, S. (2009), "Termination of Closed End Funds and Behavior of their Discounts", Working Paper No. 0093FIN-092-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Kadapakkam, P. and Kumar, U. (2009), "Impact of Liquidity on the Futures-Cash Basis: Evidence from the Indian Market", Working Paper No. 0094FIN-088-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bhanot, K., Lien, D. and Quijano, M. (2008), "Will Pulling Out the Rug Help? Uncertainty about Fannie and Freddie's Federal Guarantee and the Cost of the Subsidy", Working Paper No. 0035FIN-073-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Tse, Y., Ning, Z. and Martinez, V. (2008), "Competition for Order Flow and Market Quality in the Gold and Silver Futures Markets", Working Paper No. 0036FIN-257-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Kadapakkam, P. and Yildirim, S. (2008), "Trading Profits in Closed-End Fund Tender Offers", Working Paper No. 0048FIN-088-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Misra, L., Kittiakaraskun, J. and Yildirim S. (2008), "The behavior of discounts of closed-end funds undergoing open-ending", Working Paper No. 0049FIN-092-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Misra, L. and Shi, Y. (2007), "Option exercise by CEO's: Overconfidence vs Market timing", Working Paper No. 0005FIN-092-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Gupta, A. and Misra, L. (2007), "Deal size, bid premium, and gains in Bank mergers: The impact of managerial motivations", Working Paper No. 0018FIN-092-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
Information Systems
- Rao, C., Ramachandran, S., Walz, D. (2013) "Information Security Subcultures of Professional Groups in Organizations: A Conceptual Framework", Working Paper No. 0044IS-019-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antoio.
- Beebe, N., Young, D., Chang, F. (2013) "Framing Information Security Budget Requests to Maximize Investments", Working Paper No. 0041IS-329-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ko, M., Mancha, R., Beebe, N., Yoon, H. (2013) "Customers' Personality, Their Perceptions and Green Concern on Internet Banking Use" Working Paper No. 0029ISCS-299-2013, College of Business, Univeristy of Texas at San Antonio.
- Liu, C., Zafar, H., Au, Y. (2013) "Rethinking FS-ISAC: An IT Security Information Sharing Model for the Financial Services Sector" Working Paper No. 0023IS-673-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Warren, J., Kordzadeh, N. (2013) "Toward a Typology of Health 2.0 Services and Websites", Working Paper No.
0021IS-283-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Warren, J., Young, D., Williams, K. (2012) "Personality, Gender and Careers in Information Technology", Working Paper No. 0025IS-283-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Rao, S., Ramachandran, S., Goles, T., Dhillon, G. (2012) "Variations in Information Security Cultures across Professions: A Qualitative Study", Working Paper No. 0021IS-19-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Zafar, H., Ko, M., Osei-Bryson, K. (2012) "Financial Impact of Information Security Breaches on Breached Firms and their Non-Breached Competitors", Working Paper No. 0015IS-299-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Kordzadeh, N., Liu, Z., Au, Y., Clark, J. (2012) "Investigating the Reciprocal Relationships Within Health Virtual Communities", Working Paper No. 0007IS-673-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Hallam, C., Alarco, L., Karau, G., Flannery, W., Leffel, A. (2012) "Hybrid Closed-Loop Renewable Energy Systems: El Hierro as a Model Case for Discrete Power Systems", Working Paper Series No. 0011ETM-537-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Hallam, C., Alarco, L., Karau, G., Flannery, W., Leffel, A. (2012) "Temporal Cross-Over Points for Renewable Energy Technology Project Investment With Consideration for Energy Pricing, Carbon Tax Credits, and Implied Socio-Political Value", Working Paper Series No. 0012ETM-537-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Hallam, C., Alarco, L., Flannery, W., Leffel, A. (2012) "GIS Decision Model for Global Replication of Hybrid Closed-Loop Renewable Energy Systems" Working Paper Series No. 0013ETM-537-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Au, Y. (2009), "Credit Card Payment Processing in Electronic Commerce: An Analysis of the Bucket Pricing Stategy", Working Paper No. 0091IS-296-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ko, M. and Roztocki, N. (2009), "Investigating the Impact of Firm Stategy- Click-and-Brick, Brick-and-Mortar, and Pure-Click- on Financial Performance", Working Paper No. 0092IS-299-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Warren, J. (2009), "The Effects of Interaction Styles, Expertise and Personality on Project Team Performance", Working Paper No. 0099IS-283-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ko, M., Clark, J., Ko, D. (2009), "IT Innovativeness and Environmental Consciousness on Organizational Performance", Working Paper No. 0109-299-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ko, M., Bryson, K. and Dorantes, C. (2008), "Investigating the impact of Publicly Announced Information Security Breaches on Three Performance Indicators of the Breached Firms", Working Paper No. 0040IS-299-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Warren, J. (2008), "Self-Imposed Violations of Privacy in Virtual Communities", Working Paper No. 0047IS-283-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Au, Y. and Zafar, H. (2008), "A Multi-Country Assessment of Mobile Payment Adoption", Working Paper No. 0055IS-296-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ko, M., Bryson, K. and Dorantes, C. (2007), "Investing the Impact of Public Announced Information Security Breaches on Organizational Performance", Working Paper No. 0007IS-301-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Au, Y., Carpenter, D., Chen, X. and Clark, J. (2007), "Virtual Organizational Learning in Open Source Software Development Projects", Working Paper No. 0013IS-296-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Au, Y., Goh, K., Kauffman, R. and Riggins, F. (2007), "Planning Technology Investments for High Payoffs: A Rational Expectations Approach to Gauging Potential and Realized Value for the Changing Marketplace", Working Paper No. 0014IS-296-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Khanna, P., Thompson, L., McDonald, M. (2015) "Research on Venture Capital Firms' Investment Behavior: A Review", Working Paper No. 0013MGMT-815-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- McDonald, M., Khanna, P., Cavich, J.(2015) "A Review of Recent Research on CEOs' Influence on Firm Performance", Working Paper No. 0011MGT-815-2015, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Inocencio-Gray, J. (2013) "The Relations Between Race, Differences in Cultural Values, and Experienced Discrimination of Immigrants in the U.S.", Working Paper No. 0052MGT-833-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lengnick-Hall, M., Lengnick-Hall, C., Canedo-Soto, J. (2013) "Strategic Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations: A Research Framework", Working Paper No. 0051MGT-200-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Wang, D. (2013) "Examining an Unobtrusive Measure: Patent References as Citations?", Working Paper No. 0049MGT-814-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- McDonald, M., Khanna, P. (2013) "When Will They Learn? An Accountability Theory Perspective on the Effects of Board of Director Decision Monitoring on CEO Learning", Working Paper No. 0039MGT-815-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Chang, P. (2013) "You Might Not Have Access...", Working Paper No.
0031MGT-582-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Clark, K., Ramachandran, I. (2012) "Institutional Misalignment as a Cost of Doing Business Abroad: Varieties of Capitalism Approach", Working Paper No. 0032MGT-551-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lengnick-Hall, M., Kulkami, M. (2012) "Obstacles to Success in the Workplace for People with Disabilities: A Review and Research Agenda", Working Paper No. 0031MGT-200-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lengnick-Hall, C., Ramachandran, I., (2012) "Toward A Dynamic View of Organizational Ambidexterity: Promoting a Sense of Balance and Contingency", Working Paper No. 0018MGT-199-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Chang, P. (2012), "A Bernard Williams-style Model for Business and Ethics", Working Paper No. 0017MGT-582-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Rättich, G., Clark, K., Hartmann, E., (2010), "Performance measurement and antecedents of early internationalizing firms: A systematic assessment", Working Paper No. 0031MGT-551-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lengnick-Hall, C. and Beck, T. (2009), "Resilience Capacity and Strategic Agility: Prerequisites for Thriving in a Dynamic Environment", Working Paper No. 0059MGT-199-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Shimizu, K., McIver, D. and Kim B. (2009), "A Critical Review of the Environmental Uncertainty Literature Since 1987", Working Paper No. 0067MGT-110-2009, College of Business, Universiy of Texas at San Antonio.
- Kim, B., Suazo, M. and Prescott, J. (2008), "Exploring the Cognitive Nature of boards of Directors and its Implication for Board Effectiveness", Working Paper No.0032MGT-386-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Shimizu, K. (2008), "New Strategy Implementation and Learning: Importance of Consensus", Working Paper No. 0034MGT-110-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at san Antonio.
- Lengnick-Hall, M. and Aguinis, H. (2008), "The Benefits of Human Resource Certification: A Critical Analysis and Multi-Level Framework for Research", Working Paper No. 0052MGT-200-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lengnick-Hall, C. and Griffith, R. (2007), "Knowledge Resources, Exploration, and Exploitation: A New Perspective on the interplay Between Innovation and Application", Working Paper No. 0027MGT-199-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Suazo, M. (2007), "Implications of the Affective Response to Psychological Contract Breach", Working Paper No. 0028MGT-386-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Cardy, R. and Suazo, M., (2007), "Performance Measures: Bandwidth Versus Fidelity In Performance Management ", Working Paper No. 0029MGT-386-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Management Science and Statistics
- Han, D. (2016) "Development of a load sharing policy by managing the residual life based on a stochastic process" Working paper No. 0010MSS-694-2016, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- De Oliveira, V., Ecker, M. (2016) "A non-stationary non-gaussian hedonic spatial model for house selling prices", Working Paper No. 0006MSS-496-2016, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Koziol, A., Roy, A., Zmyslony, R., Leiva, R., Fonseca, M. (2016) "Best unbiased estimates for parameters of three-level multivariate data with doubly exchangeable covariance structure", Working Paper No. 0003MSS-253-2016, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Leiva, R., Roy, A. (2016) "Multi-level multivariate normal distribution with self-similar compound symmetry covariance matrix", Working Paper No. 0002MGST-253-2016, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Pavlenko, T., Roy, A. (2016) "Performance Accuracy of Linear classifiers for Two-level Multivariate Observations in High-dimensional Framework", Working Paper No. 0001MGST-253-2016, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Jiang, Y., Liang, H., Sun, M. (2014) "A method based on the ideal and nadir solutions for stochastic MADM problems", Working Paper No. 0012MSS-061-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Dong, D., Xu, K., Song, S. (2014) "Can Product Recalls Be Profitable? Insights from Behavior Economics Models and Empirical Studies", Working Paper No. 0009MSS-068-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Han, D. (2014) "Optimum Constant-stress and Step-stress Accelerated Life Tests under Time and Cost Constraints", Working Paper No. 0008MSS-694-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Jin, X., Geng, G., Sun, M., Zhang, D. (2014) "Combination of Multiple Bipartite Ranking for Multipartite Web Content Quality Evaluation", Working Paper No. 0007MSS-061-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, A. (2014) "A two-stage principal component analysis of symbolic data using equicorrelated and jointly equicorrelated covariance structures", Working Paper No. 0006MS-253-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Coelho, C., Roy, A. (2014) "Testing the hypothesis of a doubly exchangeable covariance matrix for
elliptically contoured distributions", Working Paper No. 0002MSS-253-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Filipiak, K., Klein, D., Roy, A. (2014)
"Score test for a separable covariance structure with the first component as compound symmetric correlation matrix", Working Paper No. 0003MSS-253-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Chen, Z., Fan, Z., Sun, M. (2014) "Ensemble Learning for Cross-Selling Using Multitype Multiway Data," Working Paper No. 0004MSS-061-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Sun, M., Chen, Z., Fan, Z. (2014) "A Multi-task Multi-kernel Transfer Learning Method for Customer Response Modeling in Social Media," Working Paper No. 0005MSS-061-2014, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lien, D., Stroud, C., Ye, K. (2013) "Comparing VaR Approximation Methods Which Use the First Four Moments as Inputs", Working Paper No. 0050MSS-202-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Pavlenko, T., Roy, A. (2013) "Supervised classifiers of ultra high-dimensional higher-order data with locally doubly exchangeable covariance structure", Working Paper No. 0048MSS-253-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tripathi, R., Keating, J. (2013) "Likelihood ratio tests in two gamma populations for equality of shape parameters", Working Paper No. 0043MSS-213&043-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Chen, Z., Fan, Z., Sun, M. (2013) "Behavior-aware User Response Modeling in Social Media: Learning from Diverse Heterogeneous Data" Working Paper No. 0033MSS-061-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Gonzalez, J. (2013) "A Model for Booth Assignment During Fiesta", Working Paper No. 0038MSS-037-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- De Oliveira, V. (2013) "Poisson Kriging", Working Paper No. 0032MSS-496-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Han, D., Kundu, D. (2013) "Inference for a step-stress model with competing risks from the GE distribution under Type-I censoring", Working Paper No. 0026MSS-694-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Dong, Y., Xu, K., Xu, Y., Wan, X. (2013) "Quality Assurance Contracts in a Multi-Level Supply Chain", Working Paper No. 0028MSS-068-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, A., Leiva, R. "Testing the Equality of Mean Vectors for Paired Doubly Multivariate Observations", Working Paper No. 0017MSS-253-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, A., Coelho, C. "Testing of hypothesis of a block compound symmetric covariance matrix", Working Paper No. 0012MSS-253-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Xu, L., Zhan, Z., Xu, S., Ye, K., Han, K., Born, F. (2013), "Cross-Layer Detection of Malicious Websites", Working Paper No. 0003MSS-432-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Hassanzadeh, F., Nemati, H., Sun, M. (2013) "Robust Optimization for Interactive Multiobjective Programming with Imprecise Information Applied to R&D Project Portfolio Selection", Working Paper No. 0011MSS-061 -2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Chen, Z., Fan Z., Sun M. (2012), "A Hierarchical Multiple Kernel Support Vector Machine for Customer Churn Prediction Using Longitudinal Behavioral Data", Working Paper Series No. 0038MSS-061-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Han, D., Ng, H.K.T. (2012), "Comparison between constant-stress testing and step-stress testing under Type-I censoring", Working Paper Series No. 0033MSS-694-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, A., Leiva, R. (2012), "Classification of higher-order data with separable covariance
and structured multiplicative or additive mean models", Working Paper No. 0027MS-253-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ye, K., Yang, X. (2012), "A Phase I Dose-_finding Study Based on Polychotomous Toxicity Responses", Working Paper No. 0004MSS-432-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Sun, M., Philippart, J., Doucet, JL., Lejeune, P. (2012), "Mathematical formulation and exact solution for landing location problem in tropical forest selective logging, a case study in Southeast Cameroon", Working Paper Series No. 0009MSS-061-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Xu, K., Dong, Y., Xia, Y. (2014) "Too Little' or 'Too Late': The Timing of Supply Chain Demand Collaboration", Working Paper No. 200MSS-068-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- De Oliveira, V. (2011), "Bayesian Model Selection in Spatial Lattice Models", Working Paper No. 0025MSS-496-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Wan, X., Xu, K., Dong, Y., Evers, P. (2011) "Quality Management in a Three-Level Supply Chain: The Role of Methods and Costs", Working Paper No. 200MSS-068-2011, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Yang, X., Ye, K., Wang, Y. (2010), "A Study of the Probit Model with Latent Variables in Phase I Clinical Trials", Working Paper No. 0030MSS-432-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Dong, Y., Xu, K., Song, S. (2010) "Contracting for Quality in a Multiple-Level Global Supply Chain", Working Paper Series 200MSS-068-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, Anuradha (2010) "Linear Models for Multivariate Repeated Measures Data",
Working Paper No. 0017MSS-253-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Sun, M (2010) "A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Representative Integer Efficient Solutions in
Multiple Objective Network Programming Problems", Working Paper No. 0007MSS-061-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Xie, H., Ackley, S.F., Yi, D., Zwally, H.J., Wagner, P., Weissling, B., Lewis, M., and Ye, K.(2010) "Sea ice thickness distribution of the Bellingshausen Sea from surface measurements and ICESat altimetry", Working Paper No. 0011MSS-432-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tripathi, Ram C. (2010) "A Generalized Poly-logseries Type Distribution", Working Paper No. 0108MSS-213-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, A. and Leiva, R. (2009) "Classification Rules for Multivariate Repeated Measures Data with Equicorrelated Correlation Structure on both Time and Spatial Repeated Measurements", Working Paper No. 0090MSS-253-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- De Oliveira, V. (2009), "Bayesian Analysis of Conditional Autoriegressive Models", Working Paper No. 0095MSS-496-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tripathi, R. (2009), "Tests Regarding Parameters of Several Independent Gamma Populations", Working Paper No. 0100MSS-213-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Sun, M (2009), "A Mixed Integer Programming Model for
Multiple-Class Discriminant Analysis", Working Paper No. 0102MSS-061-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- De Oliveira, V. (2009), "Maximum Lilkelihood and Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
for a Class of Gaussian Markov Random Fields", Working Paper No. 0110MSS-496-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, A. and Leiva, R. (2008), "Testing of a Structured Covariance Matrix for Three-level Repeated Measures Data", Working Paper No. 0037MSS-253-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Xu, K., Yao, Y. and Dong, Y. (2008), "Designing Supply Chain Backorder Contracts for Customer Retention", Working Paper No. 0038MSS-068-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Leung, M., Chen, A. and Gao, H. (2008), "Is Trading Imbalance a Better Explanatory Factor in the Volatility Process? Intraday and Daily Evidence from E-mini S&P 500 Index Futures and Information-Based Hypotheses", Working Paper No: 0039MSS-045-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Sun, M. (2008), "A Tabu Search Heuristic Procedure for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem", Working Paper No. 0050MSS-061-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ko, D., Yoon, K., Livi, C., Trinklein, N., Doderer, M., Kwek, S. and Penalva, L. (2008), "Over-represented sequences located on UTRs are potentially involved in regulatory functions", Working Paper No. 0053MSS-301-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Tripathi, R., Balakrishnan, N., Kannan, N. and Ng H. (2008), "Precedence-type Test based on Progressively Censored Samples", Working Paper No. 0054MSS-213-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Roy, A. and Leiva, R. (2008), "An Extension of the Traditional Classification Rules: the Case of Non-Random Samples", Working Paper No. 0057MSS-253-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Ye, K. and Duan, Y. (2008), "Normalized Power Prior Bayesian Analysis", Working Paper No. 0058MSS-432-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Roy, A. (2007), "Assessment of Agreement between Two methods with Replicated Observations", Working Paper No. 0008MSS-253-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Balakrishnan, N., Tripathi, R. and Kannan, N. (2007), "On the Joint Distribution of Placement Statistics under Progressive Censoring and Applications to Precedence Test", Working Paper No. 0009MSS-213-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Sun, M. (2007), "A Primogenitary linked Quad Tree Approach for Solution Storage and retrieval in Heuristic Binary Optimization", Working Paper No. 0010MSS-061-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Xu, K. and Dong, Y. (2007), "Scheduled Delays? Scheduled Time Competition and On-Time Performance In the Airline Industry", Working Paper No.0015MSS-068-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Oliveira, V. and Ecker, M. (2007), "Bayesian Spatial Modeling of Housing Prices Subject to a Localized Externality", Working Paper No.0030MSS-600-2007, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bhargave, R., Montgomery, N. (2013) "The Social Context of Temporal Sequences: Why First Impressions
Shape Shared Experiences", Working Paper No. 0025MKT-744-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Silvera, D., Kardes, F., Pfeiffer, B., Arsena, A., Goss, R.J. (2013) "Getting consumers to generate their own ad content: The impact of imagine instructions on persuasion", Working Paper No. 0020MKT-562-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Arsena, A., Bottger, T., Silvera, D. (2013) "Sleep Deprivation: The effect of sleep deprivation on imagery appeals", Working Paper No. 0018MKT-562-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Arsena, A., Silvera, D., Pandelaere, M. (2013) "Brand trait transference: When endorsers and salespeople acquire brand personality traits", Working Paper No. 0019MKT-562-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bojanic, D. (2013) "An Analysis of the Reliance of Small Island Developing States on Tourism", Working Paper No. 0006MKT-578-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Silvera, D., Kardes, F., Pfeiffer, B., Arsena, A., Goss, R. (2013) "Getting Consumers to Generate Their Own Ad Content: The Impact of Imagine Instructions on Persuasion", Working Paper No. 0022MKT-448-2013, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Zhang, Y., Guo, X. (2012) "Does Cultural Orientation of Individualism Influence Consumer Trust?", Working Paper No. 0026MKT-376-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lalwani, A., Arsena, A., Silvera, D. (2012) "The Relation Between Cultural Orientation and Regulatory Mode and Its Implications for Consumer Behavior", Working Paper No. 0041MKT-495-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Silvera, D., Lalwani, A., Monroe, K., (2012) "Price Promotion (In)consistency and Consumers' Brand Evaluations: The Role of Reference Prices", Working Paper No. 0022MKT-448-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Bojanic, D. (2012), "The Effect of Regulatory Focus on the Perceived Risk in Making Spring Break Travel Decision", Working Paper No. 0020MKT-578-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lowrey, T., Kronrod, A. (2012), "Phonetic Similarity in Brand Name Innovation", Working Paper No. 0019MKT-249-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Shrum, L.J., Lowrey, T., Luna, D., Lerman, D., Liu, M. (2012), "Sound Symbolism Effects Across Languages: Implications for Global Brand Names", Working Paper No. 0016MKT-250-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Shrum, L.J., Lee, J. (2012), "Cultural Differences in Response to Social Exclusion", Working Paper No. 001MKT-250-2012, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Silvera, D., Laufer, D., Gillespie, K., Goss, J., Arsena, A.(2010), "The Antecedents and Consequences of Defensive Attributions in Product-Harm Crises", Working Paper No. 0012MKT-448-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Silvera, D., Kapitan, S. (2010), "Consumers under the influence: Endorser effectiveness through source characteristics and attributions of authenticity", Working Paper No. 0026MKT-448-2010, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lalwani, A. (2009), "The Distinct Influence of Cognitive Busyness and Need for Closure on Cultural Differences in Socially Desirable Responding", Working Paper No. 0061MKT-495-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Silvera, D., Meyer, T. and Laufer, D. (2009), "Threat Perception in Older Customers", Working Paper No. 0066MKT-448-2009, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Zhang, Y. and Shrum, L. (2008), "The Influence of Self-Construal on Impulsive Consumption", Working Paper No. 0006MKT-250-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Monga, A. B. and John D. R. (2008), "Running Head: When Does Negative Brand Publicity Hurt? The Moderating Influence of Analytical Versus Holistic Thinking," Working Paper No. 0044MKT-374-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Lowrey, T. (2008), "The Case for a Complexity Continuum", Working Paper No. 0051MKT-249-2008, College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio.