FastWeb - has a database of 600,000 scholarships
College Board - offers a database with 2,300 sources of funding
Collegenet/Mach 25 - allows you to search 600,000 awards
FastAid - the oldest and largest free scholarship search
Scholarships.Com - is another free scholarship search service
The Scholarship Page - is another free scholarship search
Nationally Coveted Scholarships and Fellowships - gives you access to undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral awards
GoCollege - has 600,000 scholarships from more than 8,000 funding sources
International Education Financial Aid - specializes in scholarships for international students and study abroad
CollegeScholarships.Com - provides scholarship searches and personalized scholarship application letters
International Scholarships - scholarships for international studies
Military.Com Scholarship Search - includes scholarships specific to current and former military personnel
Petersons Scholarship - is maintained by the well known college guide publisher
StudentAwards.Com - maintains a large scholarship search database
SuperCollege.Com - offers a substantial free scholarship search